The Quais Bed is a masculine upholstered bed complete with headboard and matching footboard for a complete look.
Headboard and Footboard with Plinth:
Queen: 64 W x 89 L x 60 H
Eastern King: 80 W x 85 L x 66 H
California King: 76 W x 89 L x 66 HCOM/COL:
Note: COL Upcharge: 10%
Queen: 14 yds / 252 sq ft.
Eastern King: COM/COL: 18 yds / 342 sq ft.
California King: COM/COL: 18 yds / 342 sq ft.Footboard:
4.5"HStandard Plinth Material:
Walnut or Rift OakStandard Finishes:
No ChargePremium Finishes:
+15%COL Upcharge:
+10%B112-6 Fitted Boxspring Cover
(Must be COM, not COL. Covers sides and
foot of box spring. Center is black cambrick.) COM/COL 3 yds.As Shown:
Garrett, Journey, Color Winding Road. Plinth in Rovello
on WalnutTips of the Trade:
Mattress heights will vary. To obtain desired height, the dimensions of your mattress and box spring are required before production will begin.Tearsheet:
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